On September 21st & 25th we took 'Laura the Tourer' to the Catton Girl Guides to talk to them about our adventure. The guides were really interested in all elements of our trip and it was an absolute pleasure to take the car to their meeting and answer all of their questions! After having a good look at the car inside and out, many commented that they loved the little car and hope she makes it back to visit them again with lots of stories! You can just about see, (amongst all the smiley faces) on the spare wheel, the Girl Guides official 'Me to You' teddy bear, which represents them celebrating 100 years of Girl Guiding. The girls named this teddy Laura B (Laura Bear!) and we agreed to take Laura B with us on our adventure. We will hopefully update our blog with a picture or two of the bear in, or on the car, so instead of Where's Wally the Catton Guides can follow us onlineand play wheres Laura B!
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