Day 16
Sun 15th
Mauritania / Mali
Kiffa to Chutes de Gouina
Today’s distance 146km
Sleeping free bivouac
Car as before, still pinking also
Punctures today 3 total 10
So the trek today takes us 2 day (a good start was waking up to a punctures before we had started the day!) the route is entirely off road. One of the cars we were travelling with today (otto brothers) had to replace their suspension can so our start was delayed by about 2 hours (which was not a bad thing as I got to write some of this!) Once we set off we made good progress despite a future 2 punctures! The terrain and surroundings have changed again just from the latter part of day . There’s more vegetation, yellow grass is everywhere and the people are also changing their clothes are becoming more colourful. We leave Mauritania today and enter Mali, Together we camped and all 3 cars worked together to build a fire and cook a meal. Some local boys (aged 14 -15) were attracted and came and sat near us (and kept the camp fire going for us) The Belgian teams communicated with the boys and agreed that they were to keep an eye on us and ensure we were safe all night (and that they would not steal) then in the morning we would give them some tuna and water, they were very happy with this offer. After our meal we had some melon and gave the boys half it was a good day for them! We also gave them some money for them to buy us some bread from their village which, as promised, they bought to us for breakfast, after eating we discovered we had 2 … yes 2 punctures!
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