Day 28
Fri 27th
Abomey to Grand Popo
Today’s distance 137km
Mileage 71914
Sleeping Hotel
Punctures today 0 FINAL TOTAL 21!! (we think we have a slow puncture but not in need of repair, we just pumped it up and it lasted to grand Popo so not counted!) Bruno and Ales I believe suffered 30 punctures so although 21 sounds bad its not the worst!
On to Grand Popo today the final official rally day! The route was tarmac with one last piece of off road to complete. We drove o the peage (toll) where all of the cars and organisation vehicles parked in a line for photos, I cant describe atmosphere at this point, the beach of Grand Popo was just 3km away and we wore going to drive there in convoy, a celebratory drink was had by all and everyone was congratulating one another. After a short while we drove in convoy and a little further up the road we stopped as the local people had arrange some food for us and the Mayor was going to do a speech. During the convoy the passengers were on the roofs of the cars and we were all having water fights, I managed to stay quite dry however when we reached the building where the food was the water fight had only just begun and I very quickly became soaked! (I blame it on the fact I am short and an easy target!) not that I minding though as it cooled me down! After eating Gert and the Mayor said a few words and the Tourareg competitors sung the white stripes tune (seven nation army - this is Bokkerijders (3 Belgian teams we travelled with most of the time) official song I believe and like a theme tune sung throughout the whole trail!) The local ladies also sung a lovely African song and this went on until there was almost a sing off between the 2 groups, everyone was really enjoying the celebrations until the announcement was made … On to the breach! All of the cars lined up on the beach facing the sand (possibly one last opportunity to get stuck tomorrow and use the sand mats!!) we were greeted by locals with drink filled coconuts and then after a count down all ran into the sea, We were warned its really rough and the waves are strong so were careful and emerged no problems, However I decided to go in again and this time I ended up loosing my sun glasses! (prescription!) and on the way out my knees hit the sea bed (lots of shells) and I now have grazed knees also! Oh well, I was absolutely fine and its quite funny that I have not hurt myself for 4 weeks and then get my ‘war wounds’ on the final day! After we discovered the amazingly beautiful pool and swam for the rest of the afternoon and then the celebrations continued through the night. Because it’s the end and its like paradise here I slept on the beach this night which was a beautiful experience! Falling asleep to the waves! And of course waking up to them!
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