Day 25
Tue 24th
Mango to Atakpame Jungle Camp
Todays distance 459km
Sleeping Jungle bivouac!
Mileage 71771
Car - Laura was made for this trail, literally!
Punctures today 1 Total 18
So today was a good day I still had a sore throat but was cheered up no end when I opens my birthday presents from home! Thanks guys! My where’s the Stig book was extremely popular amongst the other competitors and kept as amused for hours, Thanks Az! When waiting in the breakfast queue the teams sung happy birthday to me which was a real nice way to start the day! Today was mainly off road and was great fun, Its getting so hot now and more humid. This evening we camp in the jungle! Upon arrival an area had been cleared for our car and tent and there was the whole village standing watching us as we ate our evening meal, this kind of event does not happen near then very often! After food I had a birthday drink and the famous jumpers Seppe and Luc got the local crowd to sing happy birthday to me, (followed by the birdie song!) how special!? This was certainly a birthday I will never forget, 29 in a jungle in Mango!
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